Online Course Starting March 5th

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Leadership Excellence through Empowerment

6 Pillars of Leadership

Join us for an journey towards becoming an exceptional leader. Over 6 sessions, we will dive into what we need to do as leaders to truly serve our people and foster a culture of excellence.

  1. Culture: Framework of Empowerment: Discover how a strong sense of belonging enhances team engagement, motivation, and commitment to shared goals, creating a culture where accountability flourishes.
  2. Modeling: Leading by Example: Recognize that leaders’ behavior is the primary driver of organizational culture. Learn to lead by example and shape a culture that thrives on self-directed behavior.
  3. Communication: Leadership Communication: Master the art of simple, clear, concise, and straightforward communication, fostering an environment where expectations are transparent, and collaboration flourishes.
  4. Trust: Building & Extending Trust: Understand the transformative power of trust, realizing its impact on relationships and productivity. Learn to build and extend trust throughout the organization.
  5. Inspire: Motivate & Inspire Growth: Cultivate a workplace where teams contribute with purpose and find fulfillment in their work. Motivate and inspire growth by aligning individual and team goals with a shared sense of meaning.
  6. Accountability: Service through Accountability: Immerse yourself in the concept of accountability as a service-oriented leadership trait. In a Culture of Accountability, individuals at every level are personally committed to achieving key results, fostering a high-performance environment.

Join us on this empowering journey, where you’ll gain the skills and insights to foster a culture of accountability, promote self-directed behavior, and lead your organization to new heights of success.

📅 Dates: Every Tuesday & Thursday starting from March 5th

🕒 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm MST

💰 Cost: $985